Password Manager: Everybody is concerned

password security

We live in a world surrouded by internet services, websites, mobile apps – and each and every one of them is bound to us, to our online profile. Naturally, this liaison has to be guaranteed to be unique and the first most commonly use mean to access all of those connected services as an individual is by using a combination of username and password. The problem is that theesedays, this subject became a problem for our brains – especially with the current password complexity requirements; We are simply incapable of…

Most useful Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts

A huge number of keyboard combinations & shortcuts are available in Windows 10. Remembering most of them is not easy for an average user. Here is a short list of the most useful Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts. Shortcut Action Windows; Control + Esc Open Start Menu Window + E Launch File Explorer Window + R Run command Window + L Close User Session Window + P Configure external screen Projection – Single, Duplicate, Extended Fn + Window + S Capture screenshot of a selected part of the screen Window +…