Best alternative internet browser: Brave

brave browser

Available on platforms, desktop and mobile, Brave is a fast, secure and cryptocurrency driven browser. Brave was created by a team of great names such as Brandan Eich, father of Javascript and co-founder of Mozilla. Since some time ago, Brave was lacking behind Chrome as it was missing the extensions support. Now it can really be considered as a competitive browser alternative. Features Here’s a list of most important features I think should be considered when taking in account Brave. Fast Browsing Privacy Protection – Blocks trackers Default Ad Blocker…

Google Phone App: Calls Recording & Transcription

Google’s phone app is now able to record phonecalls. Another uncovered incoming feature of the app that follows the recording ability is the possibility of transcribing the voice conversations. You can join the testing program of Google Phone app by clicking here. Google Phone app is available from Google Play Store. Original article is available on