Best Windows Remote Computing Tool: MoobaXTerm

Almost on a daily basis, I have to connect to multiple servers and virtual machines, most of the time over SSH and more rarely VNC and Remote Desktop.

The most difficult part is keeping those server organised, as they come along with settings, credentials, details, etc.

Over the previous years I have tried and tested most of the tools available on the market and I’ve come to the conclusion that only one tool truly answers to most my requirements : MoobaXTerm.
It fits the job and it’s loaded with cool features.

To enumerate some of the features that make MoobaXTerm the best windows remote computing tool:

  • Huge amount of supported protocols: MoobaXTerm supports SSH, Telnet, Rsh, RDP (Windows!) VNC, Xdmcp, FTP, SFTP, Serial, Local Shell (WSL if activated in Windows 10, Powershell, Bash, DOS), Browser, Mosh, S3
  • Allows you to organise hierarchically all your sessions with description,
  • File exploration over SSH while connected to SSH – you can’t imagine how this simplifies folder navigation over ssh
  • Visual SSH tunnel port forwarding support – this comes handy all the time
  • Quick session search box – just make sure to give your sessions a descriptive name
  • X11 forwarding – this just works, there are no complex steps to perfom
  • Terminal itself is based on Putty so stability is not a issue
  • Incorporates a bunch of servers out of the box – TFTP, FTP, HTTP, SSH, SFTP, NFS, VNC, Cron, Iperf

For any lambda user, there is a free version but it’s pretty limited as it supports only 12 sessions and 2 tunnels max.
But don’t take my word for it, feel free to download it and check it out for yourself.

The Pro Edition costs 49€ per user.

MoobaXTerm is available only on Windows.

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