Best alternative internet browser: Brave

brave browser

Available on platforms, desktop and mobile, Brave is a fast, secure and cryptocurrency driven browser. Brave was created by a team of great names such as Brandan Eich, father of Javascript and co-founder of Mozilla.

Since some time ago, Brave was lacking behind Chrome as it was missing the extensions support. Now it can really be considered as a competitive browser alternative.


Here’s a list of most important features I think should be considered when taking in account Brave.

  • Fast Browsing
  • Privacy Protection – Blocks trackers
  • Default Ad Blocker
  • Reinventing the Ad model
  • Chrome extension support
  • TOR integration

Fast Browsing

The team claims it’s 8 times faster on mobile and 2 times faster on desktop. You don’t really need to benchmark the browser to see it’s fast to open websites compare to other browsers. It even starts faster when launched.

Privacy Protection

A couple of minutes of browsing the interner suffice to see the high number of trackers it blocks.

It’s impressive to see the number of trackers present on every popular site. Peoples personal habits and patterns are sold to marketers without any consent. Brave also plays a great part in raising the awareness on the subject.

Default AD blocker

If you are annoyed by Ads as I am, you know what AD blockers are. I have personally used them for a very long time. Except that, if everybody starts using ad-blockers and blocking ads, content publishers which depend on this model will have to look for alternative sources of income.

Brave comes with a default AD blocker, but also with an alternative reinvented revenue model.

Reinventing the AD model

Digital advertising is an old and broken revenue model deeply interrelated with the online publishing.

“It is a market filled with middlemen and fraudsters, hurting users, publishers and advertisers.” according to the founders of Brave

BAT revenue model

The Basic Attention Token (BAT) was developed to address this. BAT, an ERC20 token built on top of Ethereum, will be the token of utility in a new, decentralized, open source and efficient blockchain-based digital advertising platform.

In the ecosystem, advertisers will give publishers BATs based on the measured attention of users. Users will also receive some BATs for participating. They can donate them back to publishers or use them on the platform.

This transparent system keeps user data private while delivering fewer but more relevant ads. Publishers experience less fraud while increasing their percentage of rewards. And advertisers get better reporting and performance. 

Brave does not force users to see ads, based on their preferences they can chose for themselves.

Chrome extension support

Google is doing a great job with Chrome browser and the ecosystem it created around it. The problem is the overreaching control over the user once it starts using Chrome.

By supporting Chrome extensions, Brave became a worthy alternative browser for users to start migrating to.

TOR integration

If privacy is a major concern for you than you know what TOR is. The Brave team really simplified things by integrating it natively into its browser.

You can open a private TOR by simply clicking on the main menu.


Brave team’s approach to solve digital advertising cam at the right moment. And Brave is a worthy browser.
You should definitely give it a shot and install Brave.

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