CDN: Always use one on your website

cdn network

CDN stands for Content Delivery Network . It represents a group of servers placed in various countries with the purpose of accelerating the delivery of static web content. Scalability on high traffic The CDN will scale up and down depending on the traffic. A major part of most of the websites today is static content. This content gets cached by the CDN, which drastically reduces the origin server load. In general, the CDN handles around 70% of a website’s load. Reliability A website might happen to go down at any…

Use CloudFlare as Free CDN

As explained in one of our previous articles CDN: Always use one on your website, any website should use a CDN. Traditional web hosting is no longer capable of meeting the demands of websites in terms of traffic.CDNs are now responsible of serving content on a majority of websites. This articles explains how you can configure CloudFlare as a Free CDN for your website in a couple of easy steps. Setup the CloudFlare Account go to and signUp once done, click on Add a Site on Cloudflare home page…

Google Phone App: Calls Recording & Transcription

Google’s phone app is now able to record phonecalls. Another uncovered incoming feature of the app that follows the recording ability is the possibility of transcribing the voice conversations. You can join the testing program of Google Phone app by clicking here. Google Phone app is available from Google Play Store. Original article is available on