Using Chrome Sessions: Productivity Boost

The browser is a portal to many worlds exposed by the internet. You use it to search and gather information, collaborate on your projects, communicate, and much more. Chrome is one of the best and the most popular browser in the web. In January 2019 it reached 70% of the global browser market share. Chrome is CrossPlatform, it displays and behave the same of all platforms so this applies to PC, Mac & Linux. One of the major advantages of Chrome is that it synchronizes bookmarks, history, extensions, profile information…

Best Windows Remote Computing Tool: MoobaXTerm

Almost on a daily basis, I have to connect to multiple servers and virtual machines, most of the time over SSH and more rarely VNC and Remote Desktop. The most difficult part is keeping those server organised, as they come along with settings, credentials, details, etc. Over the previous years I have tried and tested most of the tools available on the market and I’ve come to the conclusion that only one tool truly answers to most my requirements : MoobaXTerm.It fits the job and it’s loaded with cool features.…

How To Restore Chrome Pages After Crash

chrome crash

Surfing the web is fun and all and Chrome makes it a nice overall experience. Except when it crashes – because, even if rarely, it may happen. For example when your computer restarts to install updates. Or for many other reasons, and in which case sometimes you just simply loose your opened tabs. Restore recently closed pages is not present under the History menu 🙁 If you are a tab collector* such as myself, loosing your tabs may often induce a great deal of pain. tab collector = a person…